Greetings Warriors and Scholars!
The Spring cons have started this year off well. I have tabled around Michigan, cooperated with Costumers for Christ in Chicago, and attended Star Wars Celebration as a fan.

March 23 Nathan and I debuted our new book at MuskeCon. The event went very well for us with 14 copies of our two book sold! Nathan also managed to sell some of his fiction works. Many people bought both books. We also had the joy of encouraging a young lady who is brand new to tabling at cons.

March 30/31 I went east to Port Huron for Fantasticon’s Blue Water International Comic Con. I met some wonderful vendors, sold a few books, and got to connect with some people over there that I won’t see on this side of the state very often.

April 14 I took the train down to Chicago for Star Wars Celebration! I wore my Blue Lantern Obi-Wan Kenobi and bought a stunt saber to replace my old, worn out cheap saber. When I got my lunch I found a seat with a wonderful gentleman and his son who came all the way form Norway! We had a great conversation about many things including unity/disunity among denominations and nations.

Cooperating with Costumers for Christ is always a great time. We met up at Heroes/Villains Fanfest Chicago. I helped them hand out around 900 comics about Jesus and donated the sales of some books to help buy more comics to hand out at later events. I love building unity in the Body of Christ by working with other groups.

I spent most of May the 4th (be with you!) at the Heroes expo. Surprisingly there were very few Star Wars cosplayers. I was one of only a couple. This was a parking lot con at Marquis Comics. The morning started at The Donut Conspiracy getting Star Wars Donuts to hand out to artists/authors. This is one of those shows where the vendors do it just as much for connecting with each other as anything else. I then went home to watch Episode 8 before my parents and I went into Grand Haven for a Star Wars themed showing of the Musical Fountain.
It was great working together in Chicago and good to see you again! Praying God continues to bless your ministry!