Here are books that Eric has written. Both of these are daily devotionals and they are co-written with speculative fiction author Nathan Marchand. Catch them on Amazon or find Eric and/or Nathan at a con or other event. To see Nathan’s other books visit his site:

Don’t Panic! Despite what many churchgoers say, God doesn’t think Dungeons & Dragons is “Satan’s game” or that cosplay is childish. In fact, God has imprinted Himself into nerd culture. Yes, all your favorite stories and games point to the LORD Himself. You may doubt, but you know your nerdy hobbies are more than just escapism. They resound with you for a reason. Perhaps you’re not sure why, but they do. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, there are profound truths to be mined from those tales. Join us on a 42-day journey of discovery. Why 42? A famous “Guide” would have you believe that’s “the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.” The trouble is you have to know “the Question.” Maybe that question for you is, “How many days will it take me to learn the Truth?” Or maybe you already know the true “Answer” but want to deepen your faith. Either way, this book is for you! We promise it’ll be fun and challenging. You may never look at your favorite stories, characters, and/or hobbies the same again. Don’t forget your towel! Available on Amazon.

Reboots. Reboots everywhere.You spent 42 days finding the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, but the one constant in the ‘verse (besides the fact that everything freezes) is change. Good change, bad change, and everything in between. Even in our favorite nerd/geek franchises. DC Comics is (in)famous for hitting the cosmic reset button every few decades. The movie theatre is full of re-imaginings of nostalgic entertainment. Even video games aren’t immune to reboots. What about you? Do you feel like someone hit the cosmic reset button on your life? Has it left you lost and confused? How do the Answer and change interact? Can travelling through time and space lead us to Serenity amongst the chaos? Perhaps this change comes from a single Designer. In these pages you’ll learn about this Designer and His grand plan. Along the way you’ll learn how to navigate change from a scarred manslayer, some heroic robots, and even the world’s most famous kaiju, among many others. Most importantly, you’ll learn from the Promised One who has seen all of the change.Your next 42-day quest awaits! Available on Amazon!
The Fantastic 42 invites you on an adventure across the multiverse! Come meet 42 amazing characters who will challenge you, give you hope, and inspire you. From the depths of mythology to the streets of 19th Century London; from the castles of fantasy to the lairs of superheroes; from starships to magical forests; we seek to grow through these adventurers and to discover The One Above All. Seven bards have explored both the nerdy realms and the King’s writings to bring readers insights, grace, and exhortations. Come learn about God’s love for humanity and our own need for Him through some of your favorite characters.
What does an old hermit on a forbidden planet teach us about our own failings? Why on Earth would powerhouses like Shazaam and Thor pray together? How can we possibly learn about identity from a magical teenage girl? Can a bounty hunter really point us to the Way? What should be learned from being turned into a dragon? Also, why is Nathan Marchand wrong about the book version of The Princess Bride? All this and more awaits you as we learn from The Fantastic 42!
This new 42 day journey is the third installment of the 42 series, a collection of nerd-friendly Christian devotionals. Previous entries include 42: Discovering Faith through Fandom and The New 42: God Terraforms All Things. This series is part of the ministry of Get your copy of this at Amazon.