Greetings Scholars and Warriors.
I’ve had a YouTube channel for Nerd Chapel from the very beginning, but I haven’t been consistent with content. This year that changes. I’ll be posting videos each week featuring entries from my first book: 42: Discovering Faith through Fandom. This book came out in 2015 and was first released at Gen Con in Indianapolis. Nathan Marchand had a book table with his fiction works and our devotional. We took 30 copies of the devotional, donated 10 of them to the Christian Gamers Guild for their booth, and at the end of the weekend we had 1 copy left over.

Don’t Panic! Despite what many churchgoers say, God doesn’t think Dungeons & Dragons is “Satan’s game” or that cosplay is childish. In fact, God has imprinted Himself into nerd culture. Yes, all your favorite stories and games point to the LORD Himself. You may doubt, but you know your nerdy hobbies are more than just escapism. They resound with you for a reason. Perhaps you’re not sure why, but they do.
Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, there are profound truths to be mined from those tales. Join us on a 42-day journey of discovery. Why 42? A famous “Guide” would have you believe that’s “the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.” The trouble is you have to know “the Question.” Maybe that question for you is, “How many days will it take me to learn the Truth?” Or maybe you already know the true “Answer” but want to deepen your faith. Either way, this book is for you! We promise it’ll be fun and challenging. You may never look at your favorite stories, characters, and/or hobbies the same again. Don’t forget your towel!
2 videos are posted so far featuring the first two days of the devotional.
Click here for my YouTube page to subscribe and follow along with this journey. If you want to get the book to read along you can either order it off Amazon or find me at a con to buy one directly from me.