GrandCon is always a pleasure to attend. It is a board games convention in Grand Rapids, MI and I’ve been involved since the first year when I ran games and volunteered at the event. Since the second year Nerd Chapel has been a presence at this con.

The table is a place for people to connect. Yes, some who come buy books, but most come to enjoy say “hi” or to ask what this is all about. This year I met several people, some of whom came to find me, others just happened upon the table. I also promoted the Chapel service at it and handed out stickers.

Hosting games has two purposes: creating community and serving by providing something fun and sometimes games that are not known or easily found. I hosted two games of Pandemic which is always well attended. I had Unauthorized by Chara games scheduled but only two people came. Since it does not play well with less than six. We played a couple short games found in the library to fill the void. Saturday night I hosted and taught Soul of the Empire (also by Chara games). All four slots were filled for this asymmetric strategy game that fits into the time of the Roman Empire. I then had Unmatched scheduled, and all slots reserved in advance, but none of those who signed up showed up. My guess is that this was a group planning on doing events together and they just decided not to come or got caught up in something else that went over in time. Since no one else came, I walked around and got to spend time talking with people I don’t see very often.

The above mentioned Chapel service is always the most energizing part of the weekend for me. We were 32 people who came together to pause from hobbies and experience Jesus with music and a message. This year counselor, gamer and youth pastor Joy Lyle gave a great message on Resurrection with a look at Lazarus. Steve Fridsma, who was running games at the con and hosts a monthly game event at Monroe Community Church led the musical worship.