Holy Heroes of the Bible

Scott Bayles recently published a new book: Holy Heroes of the Bible. This is the third book in his Holy Heroes series. The first book, Holy Heroes: The Gospel According to DC and Marvel, looked at many superheroes and found Biblical connections in their stories and character arcs. His second, The Holy Heroes Devotional, is …

A Grimm Change

I have been watching Grimm lately. The creativity and story telling are excellent and the acting is impressive. I watched it when it originally aired on NBC and decided it was time for another viewing of it. Inspired by the stories written by the brothers of the same name, Grimm unravels the world of Wessen …

The Fantastic 42 is LIVE!

Hey look what is on Amazon! The Fantastic 42: A Fellowship Facing Doom with Hope is now available. This is part of the 42 Series, a collection of nerd friendly devotionals that I began years ago as a collaboration I do with Nathan Marchand. Our premiere event with this book is GenCon 2021! 6 years …