Hello scholars and warriors. In 2 weeks on February 20 I’m hosting a luncheon for pastors and ministry leaders to discuss connecting with nerd culture. We will look at what brings nerds together and the gap between nerds and the church. Soup and Sandwiches will be served. If you are a ministry leader or pastor …
Greetings Scholars and Warriors. This year I’ve been busy with writing a new book and dating a lovely young lady. I apologize for so little blog content. My focus went to my next book and planning for the one after that. But I did make several cons this summer. I did have a table in …
GrandCon is always a pleasure to attend. It is a board games convention in Grand Rapids, MI and I’ve been involved since the first year when I ran games and volunteered at the event. Since the second year Nerd Chapel has been a presence at this con. The table is a place for people to …