Have you been seen Captain America: Brave New World? I’ve seen it twice. In BNW we find Sam Wilson, formerly the Falcon, doing his best to fill the shoes that Steve Rogers once wore. If you saw Falcon and Winter Soldier, you know how his focus has been working with the US Special Forces and …
Did you watch the new Marvel show, Echo? It featured 5 episodes telling the story of Maya Lopez, a Choctaw Nation citizen pulled into the street crime community after her father was killed. He worked for the Kingpin who had manipulated her into working for him as well. We first saw her on the live …
If you have followed the Doctor Strange comics you are familiar with the Mindless Ones. These evil foot soldiers do horrible, unspeakable things. They were created by a disembodied entity called Plokta to go up against his rivals by overwhelming their worlds so they had to expend their resources dealing with them instead of making …
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness must have had one of the most anticipated and discussed arrivals in years, aside from Infinity War and Endgame. This movie led us into the multiverse with the horror atmosphere that Sam Raimi is known for and the adaptability of bringing heroes to other genres that the Marvel …
Scott Bayles recently published a new book: Holy Heroes of the Bible. This is the third book in his Holy Heroes series. The first book, Holy Heroes: The Gospel According to DC and Marvel, looked at many superheroes and found Biblical connections in their stories and character arcs. His second, The Holy Heroes Devotional, is …
Like millions of others I have spent a lot of time watching and dissecting Wandavision over these past weeks. It has been a very interesting ride from humor and goofiness to mystery and creepiness. I’m still wanting to logon to Disney+ to find some sort of 10th episode, or a short tying into the show, …
I recently attended a Heroscape tournament at a small comics and games store in Ann Arbor, MI called Fun 4 All. While there I picked up a copy of a graphic novel that combines the first 7 parts of Neil Gaiman’s run with the Eternals for Marvel Comics. I chose this because I have not …